Interactive representation of a geospatial raster with Python, Folium and Rasterio - Tutorial

Sometimes we want to reproduce or want to get something similar to a desktop GIS environment on a Jupyter notebook with options to show/hide layers and select background maps, but there was a missing part on our effort and it was the raster representation.

We have developed an applied case of single band raster representation on a Jupyter notebook with Rasterio and Folium. The raster has to be in WGS84 and the script can be coupled with more Folium features for the representation of vector data, background maps, menus and popups.

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The best Youtube channels in QGIS (and open source GIS tools)

Education is aimed to acquire knowledge and it's based on the learning process and as any process has some steps and means that have to be analyzed. Traditionally, if you want to get knowledge you can go to a university, get a degree, visit a library, but why don’t you just check a Youtube channel; will you get the same knowledge? Will you do better research with what you learned on video? Those are excellent questions to pose in these times where we need knowledge that shapes our future in the context of climate change.

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5 tutorials for crop detection and vegetation delineation with Python and QGIS

Over the last months we have researched the different tools in Python and QGIS available to recognize crops and vegetation as geospatial vector files. We have used a variety of techniques that range from machine learning algorithms with Scikit Learn and Scikit Image to just more innovative band combinations and reclassifications in QGIS. This article shows the summary of the tutorials produced so far that we are sure will be very helpful for GIS professionals and geoscientists.

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A geospatial Python class for crop recognition over drone orthophoto - Tutorial

Spatial analysis and machine learning sometimes require massive coding in order to achieve decent results such as identifying plants from a drone orthophoto. We wanted to create a simple workflow for beginner and intermediate Python users to work with these libraries without much pain or frustration. This tutorial has the complete procedure to use a Python class that recognizes plants from an orthophoto based on sample points and creates intermediate plots and identifies plants as point shapefiles.

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How to delineate crops from Drone Orthophotos with QGIS - Tutorial

While doing research on machine learning algorithms for drone orthophotos we found that crops can be delineated with just standard QGIS with excellent performance. Based on the addition of the blue and red band divided by the green band we can have a new vegetation index where the most healthy crops have low index values (0-1.5) and the dry crops / barren soil have high values (more than 1.9). This tutorial shows the complete procedure on QGIS to perform the delineation from bean plants on a drone orthophoto with a resolution of 5cm.

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How to interpolate geospatial points to contours with Python and GDAL - Tutorial

We have developed an alternative to a common procedure in GIS that is to create contours from a point shapefile but just with Python commands. By the use of Python and the GDAL library we can store this process into a function and perform contours from several point sets or different point queries.

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How to delineate crop rows with machine learning using Python and Scikit Learn - Tutorial

Drone imagery shows us features on the surface with high precision and machine learning tools allows us to understand and get information from those images. We present a tutorial in Python together with Scikit Learn and geospatial libraries that delineates crop rows on a corn field and provides results as a vector spatial file.

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How to convert a Raster to Contours with Python and GDAL - Tutorial

On the way to discover the analogy of the common desktop GIS procedures to Python we assumed that the process of extracting contours from raster was well documented or there were many tutorials on the topic. We found that there weren't many options to complete this process successfully or with few amount of pain, therefore we have done a complete tutorial on the process to create contours from a elevation raster with Python and GDAL that includes input data, scripts, and a discussion over the main steps of processing.

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How to create a geospatial Raster from XY data with Python, Pandas and Rasterio - Tutorial

Another tutorial done under the concept of “geospatial python”. The tutorial shows the procedure to run a Scipy interpolation over a Pandas dataframe of point related data having a 2D Numpy array as an output. With some procedures of Rasterio the Numpy array was transformed into a monoband geospatial Tiff raster.

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How to clip polygon layers with Python, Fiona and Shapely - Tutorial

This tutorial shows the entire procedure to clip a polygon layer to an area of interest in Python with the use of spatial libraries as Fiona and Shapely. The tutorial opens the polygon and clip layer as fiona elements, interpret the geometries as shapely Polygon datatypes, clip the polygons and store results as an output shapefile with the corresponding metadata.

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How to clip Sentinel 2 bands to an area of interest with Python, Rasterio and Fiona - Tutorial

Under the concept of “Python spatial” we have developed a tutorial for the spatial processing of multiple bands from a Sentinel 2 image. The tutorial shows the procedure to read the set of bands, import a shapefile, clip each band and export the clipped version in another folder. The spatial process is independent from raster resolution and can be easily modified for Landsat images.

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Geospatial triangular interpolation with Python, Scipy, Geopandas and Rasterio - Tutorial

Under the concept of “applied geospatial Python” we have developed some procedures / tutorials of some common spatial analysis tasks done on desktop GIS software. The aim isn’t to reinvent the wheel but to explore the current Python tools and libraries that can create, analyze and represent both vector and raster spatial data.

Triangular interpolation is one of several types of interpolation techniques available in both Python and GIS software, however the advantage of working with Python is that the interpolation is a function where you can get the interpolated value on a specific point while in GIS software you are required to create a raster and sample values from the raster (.. as far as we know).

We have created a tutorial with a complete procedure in Python to import points with elevation as a attribute, creates a triangular interpolation function and has two spatial outputs: an interpolated geospatial raster in TIFF format and a shapefile with elevation attribute for another set of points. The tutorial uses several Python libraries as Matplotlib, Rasterio, Geopandas, Scipy.

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Developing geospatial webapps with Python and Django - Tutorial

There are many ways to display spatial data, from the traditional maps, GIS desktop software and most recently on the web. We face certain challenges to display spatial data on the web because we will require certain functionalities that we find on a desktop software and certain spatial analysis tools implemented as buttons. Django is a web framework written in Python that allows to create web applications with moderate simplicity and this framework is capable of displaying vector spatial data using libraries such as Folium.

We have created a tutorial with an applied case of displaying hydrological spatial information on a webapp in Django. The tutorial creates a Django project, creates an app for the spatial data representation, imports the vector data (geojson or shp) and displays spatial data with defined styles.

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Tutorial to install OpenDroneMap (ODM) in Windows 10

OpenDroneMap is such a great software for its capabilities to spatially process drone image and create a complete set of outputs as digital elevation model, point clouds, orthophotos and others. For regular users, the installation and the computational resources have allways been a challenge. This time we have develop a succesful procedure to install and run OpenDroneMap in Windows 10 by installing a Ubuntu 18.04 subsystem.

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Download clipped satellite imagery from USGS AppEEARS tutorial - Case land cover images

When working with satellite imagery we have to take into account the spatial and temporal scale. The selection and processing of remote sensing data products on a specific area over a certain period of time requires a great amount of time and computational resources. We have explored the web application AppEEARS from the USGS to download land cover images (MCD12Q1v006) over a specific area and time range. The tutorial covers all the steps from creating a polygon in QGIS3 as Geojson, upload into the webapp, the subsequent instructions to download the files, displaying the data in QGIS3 and review the pixel values correspondances.

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How to translate Coordinate Systems for XY Point Data tables with Python Pandas and Pyproj

Spatial information is linked to the position and a system of reference. There are many coordinate systems worldwide with different length units, projections and origins. Somehow, spatial analysis is always linked to information stored on different coordinate systems and we have to provide effective ways to translate them to a specific CRS (coordinate reference system).

We have developed a tutorial for the coordinate system translation of XY point location stored in tables. The tutorial shows the procedure to change coordinate systems from geographic and planar coordinates using the Pyproj library over a Pandas dataframe on a Jupyter notebook.

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Performance analysis of Open Drone Map to process hundreds of drone images

So far, OpenDroneMap is a strong open source alternative for the processing of drone imagery. We have done a recursive analysis over a set of aerial photos on a standard desktop computer to have a panorama of the rates and trends from OpenDroneMap in the computation of different amount of images. Although the rates and trends apply only for a specific dataset and computer configuration, this study can to be taken as a reference for the computational time and as a perspective of how the software works with great amount of data.

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Available QGIS tools and plugins for hydrological modeling - Review

QGIS is viewed as a software for the spatial data processing to create the input data for a hydrogeological modeling as HEC-HMS or RS-Minerve. But, are there any hydrological software that can run on the QGIS interface? There are some half answers and complete answers that we will answer in this article.

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How to join tables in QGIS - Tutorial

QGIS is a powerful open source software for spatial analysis and management of spatial data. User experience with QGIS is great and most users find QGIS easier to use than other free and commercial GIS software. This time we will show how simple is the process to join tables in QGIS. Spatial data of sanitary quality of beaches in Lima was used to show the join table process.

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Development of Web Maps with Open Source Software and Free Repositories – Case Study: Geological Risks of Peru

The problems and challenges in water resources management, the environment protection, risk prevention and many subjects related to the human activity require transmitting data in a practical and updated way. The web maps are a good solution since many of these data are associated to a location and the Internet is a great tool available for many. The development of web maps is relatively new but necessary to implement for many uses like data diffusion, the understanding of problematic and decision making.

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