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Webinar: Nonconnected Surface Groundwater Modeling with MODFLOW SFR, Model Muse & Flopy - 22 Nov 2019


Modeling interaction among surface water and groundwater has many challenges due to the uncertainties on flow gauging and soil properties and the complex flow patterns among the two water bodies. These type of evaluations could be even harder if surface water and groundwater flow regime are not connected because flow from rivers/streams have to pass the vadose zone in unsaturated conditions to reach the water table.

The disconnexion of surface groundwater flow it is fact very common on highly exploited aquifers or under impacts from climate change. Many rivers are disconnected from the groundwater flow regime decreasing their flow amount due to infiltration losses. For the simulation of this surface flow, unsaturated flow and groundwater flow phenomena the MODFLOW package Streamflow Routing (SFR) was developed.

This webinar develops an numerical model of disconnected surface groundwater flow with MODFLOW SFR, Model Muse and Flopy. The study case has regional flow and a river network with monthly flow on transient conditions over 2 years.


Due to the extension and steps involved in the study case we have splitted the content in two:

First part:

Model construction in Model Muse

  • Spatial and temporal discretization

  • Aquifer parameters

  • Boundary conditions for regional flow

  • Surface flow routing (SFR) package implementation

Model simulation

  • Analysis of the water balance and head distribution

Given on this tutorial:

Second part:

On Fri 22 November 2019 at 11:00 a.m. Lima time (GMT-5)

Water balance analysis with Flopy:

  • Analysis of regional flow, stream flow and storage.

Stream flow analysis

  • Inflow and outflow representation from each river reach.

  • Comparison of partial flow from reaches and total flow.

  • Flow loss analysis on the river network.

  • Analysis of river stage and groundwater head.

Evaluation of flow and head values on SFR gages

  • VTK representation in Paraview

  • Definition of arrays and boundary conditions for VTK representation

  • VTK generation of heads, water table and boundary conditions

  • Representation of model VTKs in Paraview


Saul Montoya M.Sc.

Hydrogeologist - Numerical Modeler

Know more about his qualifications here.


This webinar is intended for hydrogeologistst with basic or intermediate knowledge of MODFLOW and Python. The workshop has no cost, the webinar video will be available for two months.

Anaconda distribution:

Flopy install command: pip install flopy

Hataripy install command: pip install -i hataripy

Download the input files from this link and place under “My Documents” folder.
