Downloading a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from NASA EarthData –Tutorial

The terrain properties of a study area are of great importance due to the vast information they provide for water and land management. The elevation values can be obtained by advanced spaceborn techniques such as the use of remote sensing from satellites. On June 29, 2009, NASA and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) of Japan released a Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) to users worldwide at no charge as a contribution to the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (METI and NASA, 2011). This tutorial is a demonstration of how to download a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the ADVANCED SPACEBORNE THERMAL EMISSION AND REFLECTION RADIOMETER (ASTER) Version 2. In addition, how to merge two DEM rasters and how to change the style of them in QGIS 2.15 will be shown.

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How to export MODFLOW Results from Model Muse and import them into QGIS - Tutorial

ModelMuse is a versatile software that helps us with the creation of MODFLOW input files, running the model and the visualization of simulation outputs. These results give us a valuable amount of information that, by analyzing it correctly, can be used to take management decisions regarding the sustainable use of aquifers. These analysis encompass many different types of information which complement the groundwater modeling results.

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Groundwater Modeling as an Example of Modeling As A Product (MAAP) - Advantages and Limitations

On a conversation with a colleague we have discussed the potential of selling groundwater modeling through the Internet. The idea (that is not so new) to develop groundwater models from remote areas optimizing the human resources, logistics and time involved on the evaluations its kind of the next step in numerical modeling but it has some arguments to be discussed for its implementation. From the management point of view, if we focus on mass production from and if we take into account theoretical concepts of business administration the idea of outsourcing tasks can be ideal for the success of a company or industry; however from the hydrogeological point of view there are serious complexities on the groundwater flow regime analysis, limitations on the input data and skills deficiencies that put the hydrogeological evaluation in risk if we work a groundwater model online.

In a global world we can make video call to almost anywhere for a reasonable price and our need/disponibility of broadband is always increasing but our ideas are not well conected and the group ideas are more distant than religion beliefs, therefore the method of developing a groundwater model could be of great importance in the quality of the groundwater evaluation through numerical modeling. This article discuss some key aspects of developing a groundwater model as a product (MAAP) and review its advantages and limitations.

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How to insert Topography Data from a Digital Elevation Model into Model Muse - Tutorial

When studying the groundwater flow, one of the main factors that influence its behaviour is the topography. Nowadays, we can obtain this topography information from several sources, being GeoTiff one of the most popular elevation models format file.

Model Muse is a versatile MODFLOW graphical user interface (GUI) where it is possible to insert many boundary conditions and terrain characteristics in order to represent the real conditions of the groundwater flow in an accurate way.

In this tutorial, you will be able to learn how to import digital elevation model data into Model Muse so it can be assigned as the topography of the area and take part into the simulation.

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Arid Zone Determination on Global Scale with IMERG Imagery and QGIS 3 - Tutorial

An arid region is defined as a land that has little to no rain and it is too dry to support extensive vegetation. Arid regions are common in our planet and those are located on specific latitudes as a product from the atmospheric global circulation, topography and other factors. Even tough arid regions are too dry, it doesn't mean that an extensive amount of people do live in these arid regions or their economical activities depend on those areas.

As zones located close to rivers are vulnerable to flooding, the arid zones and its water resources are vulnerable to global warming. Changes on the spatial and temporal precipitation distribution with an increase on temperature can lead to drastic changes on the surface flow rates and the groundwater flow regime.

As a deeper introduction to the existence of arid regions, there is a animation from the NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement mission that unifies the precipitation measurements of 12 satellites and integrates them into a Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM data product (IMERG). The animated data visualization is from April though September 2014 and shows the global distribution of precipitation as rain (liquid) or snow (frozen). 

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How to decrease the Raster Resolution in QGIS3 - Tutorial

A raster is a rectangular pattern of rows and columns with a spatial georeferentiation. On a raster each cell contains a value that is uniform in the cell geospatial extension and its the most used spatial data model when we deal and analyze spatially distributed values as land cover, precipitation or population density.

Spatial analysis on raster deals with raster resolution or cell size. As smaller the cell size, the result from the analysis will be finer however the raster file size will be much larger; if we use coarse cells, the raster file sizes will be smaller but the results could be poor for the objectives of the analysis. An equilibrium in between the raster resolution and the raster file size has become a topic to have in mind for beginner GIS users as well as for experienced GIS users.

QGIS is a free and powerful Geographical Information Software (GIS) software. QGIS comes with a variety of tools to manage vector and raster spatial data and its capabilities can be increased when it couples with Grass, SAGA GIS, OTB and its plugins. This tutorial show the simple procedure to change the raster resolution in QGIS 3.

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How to insert Recharge Data Values correlated with Elevation into Model Muse - Tutorial

One of the main boundary conditions of the groundwater flow systems is the recharge. This is a process where water from the surface moves downward reaching the groundwater. The rate of recharge can be influenced by several factors like water content of surface materials, type of soil, plant cover and precipitation rate.

Model Muse is a versatile MODFLOW graphical user interface (GUI) where it is possible to insert many boundary conditions and terrain characteristics in order to represent the real conditions of the groundwater flow in an accurate way.

In this tutorial, we are considering a case study where the recharge rate is correlated with the elevation which is a characteristic of Andean basins. We will show you how to insert this correlation of recharge-elevation values into Model Muse in order to have a better representation of the hydrological cycle of this basin.

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Key Concepts for Groundwater Management in Arid Regions

If we compare the amount of hydrologist vs. the amount of hydrogeologist, we can see that there is a gap in between the number of specialists in surface water and groundwater. Traditionally, the hydrology as a academic course is related to surface hydrology while the underground hydrology (hydrogeology) has been scarcely treated in typical undergraduate or graduate studies. As a comparison with then chicken and the egg, the lower or less popular academic opportunities in hydrogeology has produced a limited number of groundwater specialist who deal with a limited sort of groundwater studies.

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Geospatial Referentiation of a MODFLOW Model with Flopy - Tutorial

Groundwater models are geospatial referenced (unless you are in a laboratory) since we represent the actual and future conditions of a certain porous / fractured media, however the actual model matrix resolution is spatially independent since it deals with a hydrogeological conceptualized array of columns, rows and layers. The nexus in between the matrix and the groundwater flow system has been a topic in the model development, even later versions of Model Muse ask for the model system of reference (as EPSG or Proj4 code), however the user has to keep in mind the water heads and where those water heads are located.  The USGS has developed a Python package called Flopy for the model construction, simulation and output representation; this package has interesting features for the interaction with the input and output data and for the georeferentiation of model data. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to geospatial reference a MODFLOW NWT model with some lines of Python code in a Jupyter Notebook and the representation of geospatial referenced model discretization data in QGIS 3.

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Exploring the QGIS 3 options to create maps - Tutorial

Map creation is one of the most or maybe the most popular application of Geographical Information System (GIS) software as QGIS. There has been an evolution in the layout options along the previous versions and now QGIS 3 has a whole set of map elements as legends, attribute tables, arrows, lines, scales among others. Each map element has a entire set of tools to be customized to the canvas spatial reference or other spatial data properties and styled to the desired output. Map design quality is upon the user and his experience and knowledge of the available tools in QGIS 3. This tutorial shows the procedure to create a layout / map, reviews the map objects, implements some objects in a applied case and export the map as pdf. 

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How to add a Google Map/Terrain/Satellite Layer in QGIS 3 - Tutorial

QGIS is a open source and powerful Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The latest version of QGIS is QGIS 3.0 that comes with many and exciting new features for the old and new users. As the previous versions of QGIS, the software is really intended to make more spatiall analysis and management with less effort, however this version has new tricks and a new order to locate tools. In this tutorial we will show the complete procedure to import a Google Map layer to the QGIS 3 canvas as XYZ tiles.

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Weather Station Tutorial Part 1: Measuring Air Temperature and Humidity in Arduino with Sensor HDC100x

Developing a low cost weather station is an interesting topic. In fact, cost of an assembled weather station is quite expensive, which can be up to €5000. Thanks for the development of an open – source electronic prototype platform Arduino, the sensor system gets into a new generation! A small-scale prototype including six sensors can be created with just only around €200 more or less. Furthermore, the creation of radio module Xbee allows the data transfer through Bluetooth channel, which makes the process of data collecting became easier and more convenient. 

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Basic Example of a MODFLOW Model Review, Simulation and Output Representation with Flopy - Tutorial

Flopy is a package of tools written in Python for MODFLOW groundwater flow model construction, simulation and output analysis. Flopy is build on top of well know and powerful Python packages as Numpy and works with Matplotlib and Pandas that allows to do a great amount of analysis with few lines of code. Several new capabilities in the water balance analysis can be done with Flopy bringing a better control to the modeler in terms of a more available and user friendly information of the inputs, outputs and discrepancies of the model. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to read, simulate and output analysis of a MODFLOW NWT model of a tunnel development with time. The tutorial include a discussion and review of the different tools available in Flopy and the interaction with QGIS.

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Introduction to Spatial Analysis in Python with GeoPandas - Tutorial

GeoPandas is the geospatial implementation of the big data oriented Python package called Pandas. GeoPandas enables the use of the Pandas datatypes for spatial operations on geometric types. The library is a combination of a set of geospatial packages in Python as Shapely, Fiona together with well known and powerful Python libraries as Numpy and Matplotlib.

For normal Geographical Information System (GIS) users, GeoPandas enables a new way to interact with geospatial data, since it allows us to handle a more variety of queries, listing, indexing and data translation in less time, and even with less computer requirements. This tutorial show some examples of data manipulation and analysis with GeoPandas for polygons and lines from Guayaquil City. 

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Download Climate Change Data (2006-2096) on Daily Scale from NASA NCCS Server with Python - Tutorial

There are many Global Circulation Models (GCMs) with historic and future data of Precipitation, Maximum Temperature and Minimum Temperature for different emission scenarios. Data is available on daily timescale from particular servers, in this tutorial we will show the main characteristics of the NASA NCCS THREDDS Data Server that provide the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset that has two of the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Data from this dataset is available from 1950 to 2100 separated on historic and future with a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees (~25km x 25 km). The tutorial show the main parts of the web server and scripts in Python to locate the closest model cell and to recursively download group of records.

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How to download Climate Change data from the World Bank Data API with Python

World Bank has a Climate Change Knowledge Portal with information, data and reports about climate change around the world. The portal has an Climate Data API as REST framework that can provide Precipitation and Temperature data on historic and modeled dataset from 15 global circulation models (CGMs) and 2 emissions scenarios at country and basin spatial scale. There is a Python package called wbpy that makes really easy the access to the Climate Data API by few lines of code. There are options to download data on monthly, annual and decade timescale as Python dictionary data type. This tutorial show the main parts of the API, the involved codes and a example of usage for historic and future data.

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Example of time-series functionality in MODFLOW 6 - Tutorial

Stress periods are defined based on particular stages on the groundwater flow conditions and requirements to hidrogeological flow regime. Time steps are mostly defined based on the computational power, desired output and convergence objectives. It can be possible that boundary conditions varies at times different from the temporal discretization defined by the stress periods and time steps. MODFLOW 6 has a time-series functionality capable of distribute the transient boundary conditions on the determined time steps. The tutorial shows a model on transient flow conditions with boundaries conditions distributed at different time intervals. A comparison of the applied well rate vs. observed pumping rate and applied constant head vs observed head has been done on a Jupyter Notebook.

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Example of Wetting/Drying Capabilities on Groundwater Modeling with MODFLOW 6 - Tutorial

Example of the wetting/drying capabilities in MODFLOW 6 on a groundwater model on steady and transient flow conditions. The simulation represent the groundwater flow of a 2 layer model at the following stress periods: no pumping, pumping from 2 wells, recovery from pumping in 50 days. The model has been implemented with the recharge package (RCH), river package (RIV), and well package (WEL).

The tutorial also runs some Python script for the translation of model results and boundary conditions in VTK geometry. The Python script has a interactive feature for the representation of selected stress periods and time steps. A discussion of the water table at pumping and recovery was done on the last of the tutorial.

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How to Calculate the Vegetation Index NDVI from Sentinel 2 Imagery with PyQGIS

Vegetation indexes are calculated from the plant radiation in certain ranges of the visible and infrared spectrum. There are many indexes based on different band combination formulas, one of the most common indexes is the Normalized Deviation Vegetation Index (NDVI) because it was of the first vegetation index and it can be applied to images from current and old satellites. This tutorial shows the complete procedure to represent in QGIS the red and near infrared (NIR) images from a clipped Sentinel 2 image with PyQGIS and then calculate the NDVI using the processing package.

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How to compile and run MODFLOW 6 in Mac - Tutorial

MODFLOW 6 has been compiled using gfortran on the Mac/OS operating systems. Because the program uses relatively new Fortran capabilities gfortran version 4.9 or newer must be used. If you have gfortran installed on your computer, you can tell which version it is by entering “gfortran --version” at a terminal window.

This tutorial show the procedure to compile and run MODFLOW 6 on a Terminal in MAC/OS operating sytem.

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